Friday, June 14, 2024

 No explanation, except it's pinhole.

35mm film stuffed in a 120 Reality so Subtle pinhole and then clicked through like I knew what I was doing...which is sometimes, but often seldom.



It's what life is about.

It's about what life isn't.

It's about what matters, or doesn't...

this sounds all kind of Cat in the hattish...

Seriously. Pinhole is life slowed down.

Reality So Subtle camera with film...the way life should be.

1 comment:

  1. Hi! It was fun seeing your cameras and photos!! :-) I'm new to Caffinol and really looking forward to exploring with it. My favorite personal cameras are unusual pinhole cameras I make out of discarded kitchen items - things generally considered candidates for land-fill residence. Love the feeling of repurposing and making something unique and functional from unwanted "stuff". Would love to get feedback from you and, if you have time, my cameras (and some of my images) are at Thanks for making a wonderful website. It was interesting and thought-provoking. All the best - Connie H.
