Wednesday, September 24, 2014

Film News!

A very cool and informative podcast abour Ferrania Film

Give this a listen if you are interested in the future of Ferrania film....I have used it in the past and will definitely use it again when they start shipping.

a little photo from a little matchbox pinhole camera

It's kind of cool how this looks like a view from a train window....

Monday, September 15, 2014

Signs of Fall....

Fall will be here in just a few days and the signs of chile pepper harvest are already drifitng around town.

Colorful ristras of peppers can be had for a few dollars and the intoxicating smell of roasted chile is just the best thing you could ever put your nose to.

I wish this was scratch and sniff...but then you'd scratch up your monitor and that wouldn't be good!


Oh, I'm happy to be part of "The Next Best Thing Pinhole Project"
Next Best Thing Pinhole

There's some cool work there so check it out.

Monday, September 8, 2014

New, not improved matchbox pinhole image

last month I started a Matchbox Meditation blog.
It was started because I thought I could do a matchbox pinhole photo for each day of a 21 day meditation I was doing.....a program hosted by Deepak Chopra.

Well, after about 17 days of meditating and making pinhole photos, life got in the way and I couldn't keep up with it.   I have been meditating for years, so keeping up with the sitting and not thinking part was easy..I kept up with that part fine.

I just couldn't maintain the taking pinhole photos part.

I blogged it for 17 days and then stopped.
If you are wondering where this long drawn out wordy parable is's just going here because I terminated the other blog this morning and am going to share a couple of the images I posted over there here at Palomino Pinhole.

This first one was of a sunflower from my yard and corresponded to a meditation on "Feeling Joy".

Black and white film in a homemade matchbox pinhole camera.

this was my favorite image from the few I posted, so thought you might enjoy it too.

Thanks for stopping by!
Have a great Monday!!!

Thursday, September 4, 2014

well, it's about time.....

Here's another matchbox pinhole.
I really like doing these even though they are not so fun to scan to get the sprocket holes...

This is another view of Wild Horse Mesa Bar out west of Albuquerque near Mesita on old Route 66.