Friday, September 27, 2013

mushrooms galore!

With the recent rains I have an abundance of mushrooms, er..toadstools growing in the back yard.

Holga pinhole on fuji Acros 100 marinated in caffenol.

Sunday, September 15, 2013

down came the rain and washed the spider out....

....and many other things for the past few days.

The rain has caused a lot of damage, death and worry in the western states, namely Colorado and parts of New Mexico.

I took a little road trip up and alongside the Rio Grande just to see what it was up to. Near Taos, the river seemed deceivingly calm with a few rafters running the cool currents of the river as it made its way south.

I watched a kayaker practice his rolls and maneuvers around boulders in the water as I set up my pinhole gear to make a photo.

Today's pinhole is from the re-habbed Galiceno that I cut the front off of last week to make it shoot wider. This is a much better configuration and I'll be using it more now that it is a much happier box.

Harman Direct Positive paper exposed for about 4 minutes, developed in caffenol for about 6 minutes.

Have an amazing day and thanks for stopping by!

Thursday, September 12, 2013

fast birds, slow lens

I don't know why, but I keep trying to get a pinhole shot of hummingbirds.
Not entirely impossible, but nearly so!

Wednesday, September 11, 2013

and something from a coffee can

It's been raining like mad around here the past two days, but the Sun peeked out of the clouds for a few moments today-just long enough for a 6 second pinhole.
This one on some old B&W 4 x 5 sheet film.

Marinated in caffenol for about 8 minutes.


Monday, September 9, 2013

"the underneath of sunflowers"

I know it's been a while since I have posted anything, but a lot has been going on around here.  I've just been busy with out of town guests, a bout with food poisoning (not fun by the way) and re-doing a pinhole box I have.

The little Galiceno pinhole box I built earlier this year has never been quite the focal length I liked, so Saturday I took it out to the shed and trimmed about an inch off of the front of it and then glued the front back on and did some light sealing and made a test shot.

It now has a focal length of 2.5 inches and shoots wider, which I like a LOT better.

Here's the first shot out of the rehabbed box.
An up close shot of the undersides of some Sunflowers my hubby bought for me to cheer me up while I was getting over my bout with food poisoning.

Harman direct positive paper
marinated in caffenol