Wednesday, June 26, 2019

Just when you think it's over there's a resurrection....

I've been in hibernation as far as blogging goes.
And not that this is a total re emergence, here is a little pinhole photo I made last week with a converted pill box that I held down in the grass to get a bugs eye view of the world.
It's kind of neat to think about this perspective.

 Above is the pinhole camera with a little paper negative I did as a test. As you can see it's a true pocket sized camera..!

Sunday, March 17, 2019

Skynet's Northern Perimeter

4x5 Pinholes on paper negatives made with an old Santa Barbara pinhole camera and a fancy schmancy grafmatic back.
I like the grafmatic back since it holds six sheets and makes it easier to manage a few shots on a hike.

Tuesday, March 12, 2019

Palo duro Canyo, Texas

Palo Duro Canyon is just over there, it's just a matter of going.
Santa Barbara pinhole camera, the wide version with a paper negative, then dunked in a magical elixir of caffenol.

Thursday, February 21, 2019

When Nature takes its course...

Once again, click the image to make it larger then stare at the center seam. Relax and let your eyes drift until the two photos split into three and concentrate on the center all of a sudden the grass seems to be alive!

Seeing Double, or is it just Stereo

Stereo pinhole view of the Bosque along the Rio Grande River

Don't Cross Your Eyes

First, click the image to make it larger, then sit back from the monitor a bit and let your eyes relax while staring straight "through" the photo. Look at the center line and relax. You should be able to see it as a stereo image.  The key is to relax and kind of let your eyes drift into the photos....when they split into three, concentrate on the center image. Viola! You are free viewing. If Brian May of Queen can do it...then so should you and you'll be a like a rock star!

Printed pinhole stereo flyer by Clint O'Connor.
Kodak Ektar 100 film 

Friday, February 15, 2019


For five months the Sun tracks across the sky and leaves its wake....

Pinhole on photo paper. Debris, wind, rain snow and weather are collaborators and decide what to do. I just put the camera outside and let it go.

Thursday, February 7, 2019

stereo, twice the fun

another go at stereo's my latest obsession...again

click on the photo to make it larger and easier to view.

Friday, February 1, 2019

a surprise if you are still visiting this site...

If you sit back a bit from your monitor (click the image above to make it larger) and just let your eyes relax you should be able to "free view" this stereo photo.
When the image splits into three, concentrate on the center image and you should see the 3D effect. You don't have to cross your eyes, but you can as a last resort.
Brian May, the rockstar from Queen has a whole book about stereo photos and free viewing.
This pinhole photo was made with a printed camera. 
The storefront featured here is in Mountainair. 

Monday, January 7, 2019

Nine Dollar Holga

I started a new blog about and using Holgas.
It's dedicated to a Holga I bought last September for nine dollars. If you click the faint grey link below it will take you there. Thanks for your continued visits and support.

Nine Dollar Holga