Saturday, April 28, 2018

Vertical is the new Black

that's a ridiculous thing to say....

I'm in a funky mood, not coughing, feeling a bit of melancholy with the weather being a bit damp, and finding a dead rabbit in the front yard this it's been an odd day. 

Here's a wee photo of an alleyway in Cheyenne, Wyoming from last summer.
Shot with a disposable camera that I had reloaded with some tri x.
I like reloading disposables. it's work, but then no one is going to mug you for a cheapie crap disposable camera when you are out and about looking like a tourist...even when you are not a tourist.

This particular camera is a Rollei. Yeah! Fancy that! It was made in china like all the billions of other disposables out there but badged with a Rollei sticker and originally loaded with bona-fide Rollei film. 
Anyway, I don't judge. I just push the shutter button at things that I like.


Friday, April 27, 2018

Mint Watermelon

I'm not sure how (or why) marketers and makers of tea come up with such uncanny combinations...but it's really no matter since I wanted the tin to make a pinhole camera out of for Sunday, April 29....World Pinhole Day!

I think the tea can be used as part of a developing brew/concoction for the paper negative I plan to use.

I'll test it out tomorrow in hopes of being ready for the big day on Sunday.

The stuff does smell pretty good, I'm almost ashamed to admit. far as the bronchitis is going...I'm on the other side of the fence with it now. Meaning I spend more time breathing like a normal person and not hacking my head off coughing as I have been the past weeks. Thanks for the concern! x

Thursday, April 26, 2018



I'll spare you the gory details and just post a nice little photo of a road i like to travel on. It goes to Mexico and is 54 miles of dirt, fence-lines, antelope, roadrunners, lizards, buzzards and Border patrol...

I made this with one of my old Holgas and some Tri-x and then sloshed it in caffenol. 
As you can see, the camera has a little light leak which I need to make sure I put some gaffer tape on the camera next time I use it to avoid this 'ghost' .

don't forget pinhole day is April 29!

Thursday, April 19, 2018

I Love Grass and grasslands, but the stuff just might undo me!

If you know me at all, then you know how much I love grass and grasslands. Also trees. Trees make me weak at the knees...but also make me weak from coughing tree pollen. Mercy!

This particular spring has been near lethal as far as allergies go. I have coughed in fits for the past two weeks and have seriously considered installing a drip faucet at the bottom of my diaphragm and on the side of my nose...yes, it's that bad! I sleep sitting up and then walk around like a zombie during the day due to sleep deprivation.

I haven't been out with the camera in a week, although I did order some film, and I've watched more than my fair share of daytime television.
Lucky I have streaming and have seen some interesting shows.
Namely one that was about the Camino de Santiago. It's a walk I've always wanted to do and since discovering there's a short version that goes through Portugal up through just might be doable. The show was called "Life in a Walk". The scenery is nice and there's some nice father /son moments.

Enjoy your day! 
Above photo was a Holga shot with some old Kodak Color

Wednesday, April 18, 2018

Simple things...

Spider Rock, Arizona
Canyon de Chelly
Holga, Tri-x, caffenol

Saturday, April 14, 2018

pinhole day is on the approach

World Wide Pinhole day is on April 29!
That's right, so grab your favorite pinhole and have some fun.

My plan is to use a little tin can I found at the dump and make just one photo. I'm going to use photo paper so the exposure will be fairly slow, which I like because it gives me time to just enjoy the scene while the paper collects the photons.

The photo above was made sometime last year of a nice tree model I met in Oklahoma.

Tuesday, April 10, 2018

Flowers and Color aren't really my thing....

No, flowers and color aren't really my thing...but Spring has sprung and it's time to livin up the place a bit.

This is from a saunter around Old Town Albuquerque last weekend after a little film users get together hosted by  the New Mexico film users group

I had my quirky yet productive Zenit E and a helios 44m-4 lens with some old Kodak Gold 200.

the film could use a little more punch, but it is what it is as they say. 
I've never figured out who "they" are so I'll leave it at that.

Wednesday, April 4, 2018

pecking order

Just playing around with the Zenit E and a Helios lens held up to some old clunker binoculars I found for five dollars.

It's fun to goof around and try different things making photos.
It was more fun to see all these birds perched on each little stick up on this old snag down at the refuge....
It was more interesting to watch the bigger bird perch on the highest point....nature does have its order.

There's still wonder in the world!

Monday, April 2, 2018

Bosque Abstracts

no details on these, just enjoy the scenery....

Right place, right time....

Rarely do I happen to be in the right place at the right time, but my recent foray to the Rio Grande Nature Center in Albuquerque proved to be a lucky day!

Usually when I'm bird watching, or in this case goose watching, I'm too involved looking at birds and not making flying portraits of them.

This is my rare photo of a close up of birds in action!

Zenit E with Industar lens 50-2.  Delta 100 film dunked in caffenol! 
