Thursday, August 30, 2018

Salinas Pueblo Mission

Quarai Mission near Mountainair, NM. 
Delta 100 5 x 4 sheet film dunked in caffenol. It was a perfect day for pinhole! 
Plus I saw  a baby Bull-snake and some Yellow Rump Warblers. Oh and a ton of lizards! 

Sunday, August 26, 2018

and so she goes.....

I spent a few hours with the Mona Lisa last Friday at the New Mexico Museum of Natural History." Da Vinci, the Genius" exhibit ends on Wednesday, so I went again before the show leaves. This time I took my pinhole camera and made this photo. It was interesting to stand in the Mona Lisa room and just watch people look at her, in her different versions. What was really interesting was seeing that people were drawn more to the smaller replicas of the painting, and not the uber large one in the middle of the room. I set my camera (a back to nature zero 2000) on one of the benches and just let it soak in all of the Lisas while people walked through the gallery. While the camera was exposing, two people sat on the bench and never noticed it or caused it to move. It was a good day!
Fuji Acros 100 in caffenol...I saved this roll for a special occasion!

Thursday, August 23, 2018

Blind Wino Pinhole

trying out the Blind Wino pinhole camera made by the late Mike McCoy makes 2.5 x 3.5 negatives in film holders, so it's quite convenient to use.

Looks like I had a leak on this one...the foam is past its prime for sealing the back, so a makeover is coming soon.

I like this little box.

It's well made.
Simply made too. 

I've been using my pinhole cameras without a tripod and just finding places to set the camera in situ. It's changed my pace.

It's less cumbersome and obvious to carry a tripod around, plus it's been more spontaneous for me to find things to set the camera on and let it do its thing.

Tuesday, August 21, 2018

that tree again....

It's such a poser....not really. I drive by it every day, so just need to do a portrait of it...I think it likes it.

Leonardo 4 x 5
Delta 100 sheet film
Caffenol...and so it goes again

Saturday, August 18, 2018


Chichen Itza-ish? No?

It reminded me of the pre-Columbian structure known as El Castillo and built by the Mayans...

It's the Art Museum for the National Hispanic Cultural Center in Albuquerque.

Leonardo Pinhole, Delta 100 4 x 5 sheet film dunked in always.

Friday, August 17, 2018

Leonardo Pinhole

A friend in New York sent me her 4x5 Leonardo pinhole camera earlier this year because she said she never used it and didn't have time for it.
The Leonardo camera was handmade in New Mexico by Eric Renner, so it's kind of cool to have it back in its home state.

It's well made, and uses 4 x 5 sheet film holders or you can easily use a paper negative as well.
This one has a focal length of about 1 5/8 inches, so it's pretty fast.

The photo above was made with Delta 100 sheet film, then developed in caffenol. It's a good combination!
No meter...just "BE" the emulsion.


Thursday, August 16, 2018

my sittin and thinkin place....

another sittin and thinkin place...I had planned on making this area available to guests that wanted a rustic sleeping out in my yard kind of experience.
However, ants have taken over that tree in the back there and it's taking me a lot of effort and time to make them move and to save the old tree from dying....we will see...maybe next summer it will be ready.

Altoids pinhole, caffenol.

Monday, August 13, 2018

Treescape 2.0

There's not much I can say about trees that hasn't already been said.

This one is right outside my window and it greets me each morning. It's a Cedar

Altoids pinhole, 2.5 x 3.5 sheet film dunked in caffenol.

Saturday, August 11, 2018


You know I love trees....

Newman's Own ginger Dragon mint tin painted black inside and then poked with a teeny tiny hole for pinhole adventures.

Arista 100 2 x 3 sheet film sloshed in caffenol for a few minutes and viola!

Simple pleasures, simple pleasures!

Monday, August 6, 2018

a hidden park...

An Illy coffee can converted to pinhole and loaded with 4 x 5 sheet film then dunked in caffenol.

This is McDuffie Park.
It's unusual in that it is almost a secret in Albuquerque. It is the length of a city block and only has access through a few entry ways beside neighboring homes.  Not the normal big public parking spaces....

nice and shady with a neat tiny library on a post. I picked up a pristine copy of Pillars of the Earth.

Wednesday, August 1, 2018

Pinhole the Pinhole

Yes, you read that right...pinhole the pinhole.
I went to Panera yesterday afternoon and took a little Newman's Own Ginger Dragon mint tin converted to pinhole with me.

I propped it against the big plate glass window next to my table  and let it collect photons of the street scene outside while enjoying a Frontega chicken panini and a cup of broccoli cheddar soup.
As you already know, I don't meter, I just pinhole and eat soup!

Here's the result. What's cool is that the pinhole of the tin is reflected in the glass and shows up on the exposure.  do you see it?
It's the little circle just right of center. 
Kind of like a little black sun, except not.

Arista photo paper, dunked in caffenol...the usual

There were sparrows hopping around under the tables outside while the exposure was being made.