Wednesday, August 1, 2018

Pinhole the Pinhole

Yes, you read that right...pinhole the pinhole.
I went to Panera yesterday afternoon and took a little Newman's Own Ginger Dragon mint tin converted to pinhole with me.

I propped it against the big plate glass window next to my table  and let it collect photons of the street scene outside while enjoying a Frontega chicken panini and a cup of broccoli cheddar soup.
As you already know, I don't meter, I just pinhole and eat soup!

Here's the result. What's cool is that the pinhole of the tin is reflected in the glass and shows up on the exposure.  do you see it?
It's the little circle just right of center. 
Kind of like a little black sun, except not.

Arista photo paper, dunked in caffenol...the usual

There were sparrows hopping around under the tables outside while the exposure was being made.

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